Commercial Property

Various Commercial Space

Klugo Properties' various entities have acquired several different commercial spaces over time to include retail, business, medical, and warehouse/shop uses. One of our core priorities is to ensure our clients needs are met so they can be as successful as possible. Many times our clients demands increase and it is necessary for them to change their space or to expand. Over several years, we have worked with our tenants to expand their commercial space as they continue their success.

All commercial space is strategically placed within minutes of major interstates. Our retail space enjoys high foot and car traffic locations, leading to great visibility for our tenants and their businesses.

All of our tenants enjoy secure and maintained properties. We offer space in multiple cities throughout Upstate New York. To learn more about what is offered in each location, please click the city below.

Commercial Space by Location:

To inquire about any availability, please refer to the link HERE or please do not hesitate to contact us HERE.